Have you forgotten to prioritize happiness?


Ready.Set. Grow! with Sybil Amuti

Welcome home! I'm Sybil Amuti, and I'm here to give you real talk, real friendships, and the confidence to live your best life—in a thriving community that's cheering you forward, choice by choice. Every week, I dive deep into the essential topics that shape our lives—personal development, entrepreneurship, spirituality, and the journey to overcoming self-sabotage as you become your best self. Join our incredible community of over 20,000 girlfriends who are committed to growth, empowerment, and success. Subscribe today for inspiration, mindset coaching, and actionable insights delivered straight to your inbox!

Hey great girlfriends!

Looooong time no talk to! I took a chunk of this year to get re-acquainted with HAPPINESS! I know it sounds weird, but my happiness meter was off and I needed to reset it.

Many of you are thinking, "What is a happiness meter?" And, some of you know exactly what I'm speaking of.

My happiness meter is simple - it's the way I measure and maintain happiness in my life. It's my way of making sure I take care of my heartbeat and my well-being.

Since living in Los Angeles, I recognize that my heart skips a beat when I'm glancing at the mountains, getting fresh ocean air, taking in live music, or hosting! I feel so full when I soak up quality time with my family and eat new food. I feel fully alive when I'm traveling and discovering different facets of humanity.

So, this year, I was busy like Dora the Explorer and Lisa Ling, observing the world and asking questions that opened new doors for me. It's been exciting and challenging at the same time. Why? Because I'm someone who loves her laptop and a brand project. But God was shifting me this year so that I could see more of Him alive in me!

Why am I sharing this with you?

Because I don't want you to look up, look around, and go "how did I get here?" I want you to feel aware of your surroundings and experience HAPPINESS within. I want you to walk in the full capacity to create the habits you need for the changes you desire TODAY!

I’m challenging you to look at the patterns in your life right now. What’s serving you? What’s slowing you down? What’s flat-out keeping you stuck? It’s time to get real with yourself—because this is your time to rise!

Let’s do this together:

  • What’s one habit that’s pushing you toward your dreams? Double down on it. (Yes, you’re crushing it!)
  • What’s one habit that’s been sabotaging your success? Let’s leave that behind. (No more excuses, girlfriend!)
  • And what’s one NEW habit you can adopt right now to accelerate your progress? (Start today, and watch the magic unfold!)

Need some motivation to keep that fire burning? Here are some must-listen podcast episodes to supercharge your mindset:

And for those of you ready to level up, grab my book Ready. Set. Go! - Five Simple Keys for Overcoming Self-Sabotage. This is your go-to pocket guide for clearing the mental clutter and stepping boldly into your next chapter. Trust me, you don’t want to miss this! Grab your copy here.

Girlfriend, this is YOUR time. Let’s go out with a bang and set the stage for an extraordinary year ahead. Remember—you’ve got everything you need inside of you. Let’s make it happen, together!

Cheering you forward from victory to victory,


Ready.Set. Grow! with Sybil Amuti

Welcome home! I'm Sybil Amuti, and I'm here to give you real talk, real friendships, and the confidence to live your best life—in a thriving community that's cheering you forward, choice by choice. Every week, I dive deep into the essential topics that shape our lives—personal development, entrepreneurship, spirituality, and the journey to overcoming self-sabotage as you become your best self. Join our incredible community of over 20,000 girlfriends who are committed to growth, empowerment, and success. Subscribe today for inspiration, mindset coaching, and actionable insights delivered straight to your inbox!