Is your money organized?


Ready.Set. Grow! with Sybil Amuti

Welcome home! I'm Sybil Amuti, and I'm here to give you real talk, real friendships, and the confidence to live your best life—in a thriving community that's cheering you forward, choice by choice. Every week, I dive deep into the essential topics that shape our lives—personal development, entrepreneurship, spirituality, and the journey to overcoming self-sabotage as you become your best self. Join our incredible community of over 20,000 girlfriends who are committed to growth, empowerment, and success. Subscribe today for inspiration, mindset coaching, and actionable insights delivered straight to your inbox!

Hey, friend heeeeey!

I hope your week is off to a great start!

Let’s talk about money. 💸 Most of us work hard, grinding out 5+ days a week, cashing that paycheck.

But here’s the big question: Where does all the money go?

Can we honestly account for all the money (and time) that slips through our fingers year after year? 🤔 (Yeah, I see you nodding your head.)

Now, I know what some of you are thinking, “Sybil, my money is none of your business!” And you’re right—it’s not—but it is YOUR business! I’m just here to bring it to your attention. 😉

So why am I touching on this, especially since I’m no financial expert? Good question. The other day, while out for a run (yes, running clears my mind 🏃🏾‍♀️), I started thinking about all the reasons people give for putting their dreams on pause: “I don’t have the money…” “I can’t afford to leave my job…” “I need an investor…” And the list goes on and on, like a broken record. 🎶

Is money really the root issue? NOPE.

But here’s the truth: we, as women, need to address the mindset of lack around money in our communities. It’s time to build strong financial legacies and start living the life we DESERVE. 💪

Real talk: My history with money was shaky, y’all! My mom always taught me how to budget and manage money as a kid (thanks, Mom!), but when I got older, I craved freedom so much that I paid the price—literally. 💳 As soon as I got a taste of financial independence, I spent every cent I made, sometimes before I made it! (Don’t act like I’m the only one!) By age 23, I was in debt. 😬

Climbing out of that financial hole took me two years, but the pain of debt and the paycheck-to-paycheck grind was exhausting. Now, I’ve learned some powerful lessons about money and changed our family’s financial legacy. 🙌

So, no, I’m not an expert, but I’m your Great Girlfriend who’s been there, done that, and knows that paying attention to your money and shifting your mindset can transform your financial world! 🌟

Let’s get into a few tips that can help you grow your money and set you in the right direction:

  1. Get HONEST. Let’s rip the Band-Aid off. What are your true feelings about money? Is it just to keep the lights on or is it meant to build the life you dream of? 💡 Be honest with yourself. Healthy thoughts lead to healthy actions and, ultimately, healthy results. If something’s not working, it’s time to pinpoint where the breakdown is happening. Truth will set your finances free.
  2. Get COMMITTED. Decide that your money works for you, not the other way around. 👊 People who work for money will always work for money. If you believe that you need to trade time for money, guess what? You’ll always be clocking in. But once you learn that your money can work for YOU, you’re on the path to building wealth, not just getting by.
  3. Get EDUCATED. Girl, we live in the information age! 📚 There are literally no excuses for being financially uneducated anymore. Check out Tiffany “The Budgetnista” Aliche’s Live Richer Challenge. She breaks down money like it’s a bestie chat, step by step. Or, if you want biblical principles, check out Dave Ramsey’s financial tools. My personal fave for beginners? Investopedia’s “Investing 101 Guide” and Tony Robbins’ Money Master the Game. Both are game-changers! ⚡
  4. Get on a BUDGET. I know, I know—budgets can feel like the fun police 🚨, but if you’re ballin’ before your budget, that’s a problem. A budget shows that you respect yourself and your financial future. 💼 Your legacy depends on the decisions you make now! It’s all about balance—saying no to brunch this weekend can mean saying yes to that Paris trip next year! 🇫🇷
  5. Get GOALS. Vision boards are cute, but if we’re not financially prepared to make those dreams a reality, they’re just decorations. ✨ Set realistic financial goals: 30, 60, 90 days, or even 1-year benchmarks. Little daily decisions add up to BIG transformations. Start with something simple, like cutting back on lattes, and watch your savings grow. ☕💰
  6. Get a FINANCIAL PLANNER. Financial planners used to scare me because I had major money shame. 🙈 I thought they’d judge my financial ignorance, but here’s the truth: financial challenges are just life discipline challenges in disguise! When you lack discipline, you get a coach, right? It’s the same with your money. Start with a consultation—it’s FREE—and you don’t have to commit to anything until you’re ready. 🙌
  7. Get HAPPY! Here’s the best part—if you put in the work, the results will come! 🎉 When you see your money growing, you’ll be glad you stayed committed. And don’t keep this journey to yourself—get your girlfriends on board too! This is how we build a legacy together.

I can’t wait to hear about your money wins! 💃 Shoot me an email and let’s celebrate every victory, big or small, as we transform our financial mindsets and live our best lives.

I'm cheering you on from victory to victory,


P.S. Sharing is caring. Would you mind passing this along to your favorite accountability partners? 🙏🏽

Ready.Set. Grow! with Sybil Amuti

Welcome home! I'm Sybil Amuti, and I'm here to give you real talk, real friendships, and the confidence to live your best life—in a thriving community that's cheering you forward, choice by choice. Every week, I dive deep into the essential topics that shape our lives—personal development, entrepreneurship, spirituality, and the journey to overcoming self-sabotage as you become your best self. Join our incredible community of over 20,000 girlfriends who are committed to growth, empowerment, and success. Subscribe today for inspiration, mindset coaching, and actionable insights delivered straight to your inbox!