Is doubt creeping into your friendship?


Ready.Set. Grow! with Sybil Amuti

Welcome home! I'm Sybil Amuti, and I'm here to give you real talk, real friendships, and the confidence to live your best life—in a thriving community that's cheering you forward, choice by choice. Every week, I dive deep into the essential topics that shape our lives—personal development, entrepreneurship, spirituality, and the journey to overcoming self-sabotage as you become your best self. Join our incredible community of over 20,000 girlfriends who are committed to growth, empowerment, and success. Subscribe today for inspiration, mindset coaching, and actionable insights delivered straight to your inbox!

Hey great girlfriends!

Let’s talk about something that happens to ALL of us, even the strongest, most fabulous women: doubt in friendship. You know, that sneaky little voice that whispers in your ear, “Is she really my girl?” or “Should I even bring this up, or nah?” 🧐

Spoiler alert: that doubt isn't here to stay! It’s a bump in the road, but today, we’re gonna kick that bump to the curb and reclaim our confidence in our friendships. 👯‍♀️ Because strong sisterhoods don’t crumble at the first sign of trouble—they LEVEL UP! 💪✨

So buckle up because we’re diving into how to overcome doubt, rebuild trust, and get back to that laugh-until-your-stomach-hurts kinda bond that we ALL deserve.

Ready? Let’s do this!

Friendship Facts to Flex On

Before we dive into the how, here’s some fun (and legit) tea on friendship:

  • 70% of friendships hit a snag at least once—blame it on life, miscommunication, or that time she didn't text you back 🙄.
  • BUT, here’s the good news: 81% of friendships bounce back stronger if BOTH people show up to fix it. #TeamWorkMakesTheDreamWork
  • Friendships can reduce your risk of depression by 60%! So, yeah, they’re literally saving your mental health.

Why Does Doubt Happen? (Spoiler: You’re Not Crazy!)

Let’s be real: doubt isn’t a sign your friendship is doomed. It’s actually super common. Most of the time, doubt shows up because of:

  1. Miscommunication: Ever play the game of telephone? Yeah, that’s your friendship sometimes. 🤷‍♀️
  2. Unmet Expectations: You thought she’d be your hype girl at that event, but instead she ghosted. #Ouch.
  3. Personal Insecurity: Sometimes it’s not even about her—it’s about YOU. You’re feeling off, so now everything feels off.

The Action Plan: Turning Doubt into Dope Connections

Okay, so doubt’s in the building. No problem—we’re about to kick it out with these 5 powerhouse moves:

1. Get Curious, Not Furious 🔍

When that little voice of doubt pops up, don’t get mad. Get curious! Ask yourself, What’s REALLY going on here? Maybe you’re stressed from work, or maybe something she said hit you differently than she intended. Stop, breathe, and dig a little deeper before you take on feelings that don't really apply. 😉

2. Open Up and Communicate 🗣️

Girlfriend, you gotta talk it out! 💬 Don’t sit there in silence, waiting for her to read your mind. Use your words! Tell her what’s on your heart. Keep it cool with “I” statements like “I feel like we haven’t connected much lately,” instead of “What's up with YOU” 😅 Trust me, that small shift keeps things from getting messy.

3. Listen Without Getting Defensive 👂

This one’s hard, but crucial! When your friend opens up, listen like you’re watching the tea spill on your fave reality show—don’t interrupt, don’t jump to conclusions. Just listen and understand. Even if you disagree, hearing her perspective is key to getting back on track.

4. Give Grace, Not Grudges 💖

Sis, let’s be honest—we ALL drop the ball sometimes. No one is perfect (not even you 😉). So, instead of holding onto those little mistakes and letting them fester like last week’s leftovers, offer grace. Let her know it’s cool, and you’re ready to move forward. You’ll feel lighter, and she’ll feel loved.

5. Reaffirm the Friendship 🌟

Now that we’ve talked it out and hugged it out (emotionally or literally), let’s remind ourselves of why this friendship ROCKS! 🤩 Make time to celebrate your bond—send a sweet text, plan a girls’ night, or surprise her with her favorite latte. The more you remind each other of the magic, the stronger your connection will be.

BONUS ROUND: Keeping the Spark Alive

  • Schedule Friendship Check-Ins: Every few weeks, ask each other how things are going in the friendship department. Don’t wait until something’s broken to talk about it!
  • Celebrate Wins, Big or Small: Whether she just got that promotion or survived a rough Monday, make sure you’re cheering each other on. 💃🥂
  • Create Shared Rituals: Weekly wine nights, morning workout calls, or even sending funny memes—having a tradition keeps the friendship bond tight!

Final Thoughts: You Got This, Girl!

Doubt doesn’t have to be a death sentence for your friendship! In fact, it’s an opportunity to come out even stronger on the other side. By showing up with curiosity, open communication, and a whole lotta grace, you’ll find that your friendships are unshakable.

So, the next time you hear that little voice of doubt, smile and say, “Not today, sis! My friendships are BUILT TO LAST!” 💥👯‍♀️

Until next time, keep building your GREAT girlfriendships and showing up with love!

Oh, and go deeper in the podcast episode How to Overcome Doubt in Friendships.

I'm cheering you forward from victory to victory,


P.S. Guess what? I created a FREE "Overcoming Doubt in Friendship" workbook for you! Download it HERE and spread the word to your great girlfriends!

Ready.Set. Grow! with Sybil Amuti

Welcome home! I'm Sybil Amuti, and I'm here to give you real talk, real friendships, and the confidence to live your best life—in a thriving community that's cheering you forward, choice by choice. Every week, I dive deep into the essential topics that shape our lives—personal development, entrepreneurship, spirituality, and the journey to overcoming self-sabotage as you become your best self. Join our incredible community of over 20,000 girlfriends who are committed to growth, empowerment, and success. Subscribe today for inspiration, mindset coaching, and actionable insights delivered straight to your inbox!